Our mission is to fill the gap in athletes’ training by

providing comprehensive and accessible sport

psychology services for all athletes looking to improve their athletic performance.

Mental Mobility

Mental Mobility combines mental strength with mental flexibility so that an athlete has the power and options to take on any challenge they face.

Developing Mental Mobility is not a luxury for elite athletes; it’s a requirement to successfully compete at the highest levels and on the largest stages.

With every new athletic level, an athlete’s physical ability and sport specific ability become less important while an athlete’s mental ability becomes more critical. It’s the mental ability that separates the good athletes from the great athletes.

What Athletes Are Saying

Dansby Swanson throwing a baseball

Dansby Swanson

Atlanta Braves Shortstop

"Clarity mentally within competition is the most important aspect that gets overlooked. We all want to be healthy physically, but mental health is just as important, and most of us do not know how to achieve this, which is why we need a professional to help us get to that point. Developing Mental Mobility has changed my career and this is only the beginning of what I can achieve."

Amelia Ferries

Olympic Weightlifting

"Working with Dr. Lindsey gave me the tools to improve my competitive mindset, do the job I set out to do, and perform better under pressure. Now I enjoy competing more, use any setbacks and failures to move myself forward, and have an improved mindset in sport and in my overall life. If I had not worked to gain Mental Mobility with Dr. Lindsey, I would continue to struggle dealing with frustration and disappointment on bad training days and in competition. Your brain is almost always the biggest factor holding you back, but it can also be your strongest asset. Training my mindset has been essential to my performance in weightlifting and in my career. It pays for itself."

(photo cred: Kara Everill of Kara E Photography)

"After working with Dr. Lindsey, our grandson is a better teammate and can now recognize situations and quickly implement the exercises and techniques he learned. Without this work with Dr. Lindsey, he would still be having issues on the field. This was the push we needed. Dr. Lindsey changed his life!"

~ Shiona B., football

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