Become the player that everyone can depend on when the game is on the line. Learn how to be clutch and perform when the pressure is on.

Are you TIRED of coming up short when the game is on the line?
Are you FRUSTRATED that pressure always seems to gets the best of you?
Are you READY to be the player that your team and coaches can count on when it matters most?

Join the FREE Clutch Player Challenge!

Discover how to become the player that everyone depends on in the clutch in just 5 days! Stop waiting for it to happen and start DOING something to make it happen!

Register now for the FREE Clutch Player Challenge! ($799 value)

The Clutch Player Challenge begins October 5th.

If you ever wondered what it would be like to work with a sport psychologist so that you can be your best and perform your greatest in the most pressure-filled situations, NOW is your chance!

Join the FREE 5 Day Clutch Player Challenge to get 5 days of LIVE training with Athlete’s Academy founder and sport psychology expert, Dr. Lindsey Swanson Schriefer.

Sign up for the FREE challenge below

Dr. Lindsey Swanson Schriefer

Sport psychologist and founder of Athlete's Academy. Over the past decade, she has worked with hundreds of athletes to develop their mental abilities so that they can consistently perform their best on the biggest stages. Dr. Lindsey bridges the gap between physical training and mental training so that you become the most complete athlete you can be!